The Chicago Pride Family Coloring Book is an inspired endeavor, designed to cast a spotlight on queer/lgbtq+ parents and caregivers nurturing LGBTQ+ children--fostering visibility, solidarity, and celebration. Its pages contain the aspirations of real families in Chicago. Each image, meticulously crafted from authentic photographs, transforms into a canvas for creativity and connection.
This book isn't just about filling spaces with hues; it's about filling hearts with understanding and support. It offers a mirror reflecting our experiences, affirming our identities, and alleviating the burden of loneliness.
But beyond its artistic allure, this book is a catalyst for dialogue and community building. Following the illustrations, the coloring book will close with a collection of LGBTQ+ resources for parents in and around Chicago, and will connect to an ongoing, adaptive list on the coloring book's website.
In the city of Chicago, where diversity thrives, this coloring book stands as a testament to the richness of LGBTQ+ family life. It isn't just a book; it's a declaration—of love, pride, and unity within Chicago's LGBTQ+ Family community.
Project Goals:
-To create 100 pages of illustrations of Pride Families in Chicago.
-To donate a portion of the proceeds of the books to youth pride groups in Chicago.
-To create a resource page in the back for Chicago Pride Families
-To create a hub for queer families to stay in touch, contact/connect with each other via the eventual coloring book website.
Imagined, Illustrated and Created by Andy Bellomo. Contact: andybellomo222@gmail.com and @andyBmix